Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019 (herein after referred to as “Amnesty Scheme” or “the scheme”) introduced in the Current Budget Amendment i.e. in July 2019. This is a dispute resolution cum amnesty scheme for resolution and settlement of legacy cases. The scheme offers substantial relief to the taxpayers and is a bold endeavor to unload the baggage relating to the legacy taxes viz. Central Excise and Service Tax and other indirect tax allied acts. This Scheme covers more than 20 Acts. The scheme is already operational from 01 September 2019.

The scheme is specifically designed and can be implemented only for the proceedings pending on 30 June 2019. The person who are eligible under the scheme is been elucidated below for your reference:
Further, the benefits available under the Scheme, are elucidated below:
Entire process under the scheme is fully automated and the last date for taking the relief is 31 December 2019
We, therefore, request you to take a note of the above and do the needful and oblige by taking the benefit of the scheme at the earliest
For any assistance in the said scheme you can reach out to us at